
Your goal with this program is to practice the daily habit of including intentional activity. On days that you don’t lift weights, this is as simple as going for a 20-30 min walk.

Trust the process and allow your lifting sessions to do their job of burning body fat.

Once you begin to hit sticking points in your fat loss, you may begin tacking on 5 mins per session. For example if you start with 20 min cardio sessions, go to 25 minute sessions for a few weeks and reassess your progress through body stat checks.

If you feel you're getting to the point where these sessions are too long for the time you have set aside, go ahead and split the overall weekly time into shorter sessions directly AFTER your weight training session.


Doing your cardio directly before weight training will deplete your muscle glycogen stores, which are vital to fuel your workouts and more importantly burning body fat.