Fitbritt Daily - Set Up Checklist
GATHER SUPPLIES: You'll need these to get started.
A notebook
Measuring tape,
Bathroom scale,
Cooking utensils, food containers and a food scale.
ADD YOUR INITIAL BODY STATS TO THE FITBRITT APP I need these to set up your meal plan.
(You're usually asked to do this the very first time you log in to the app) Current age, height, weight and activity level (for Activity Level, select how many days per week will you be doing some form of activity when you start this plan)
GOAL SETTING & MEAL PLAN PREFERENCES Your overall GOAL will help determine how your meal plan is set up.
Complete the goal setting exercise in your notebook first and then fill out the meal plan preferences form below so that I can get your plan to you ASAP. There's a 'goal' question on the form, so be ready to answer it when you get there.
Set Good Goals
This thought provoking page is loaded with tips to help you get specific with your goals and why they are important to you. I want you to be considering what it takes to reach these goals so we can create a direct path to them with your plan.
For example, if your goal is to cut body fat, create a tone lean body and your timeframe is short, you will want to consider resistance training 3-4 days per week and follow meal plan that supports maintenance and recovery of lean tissue while targeting stored body fat as fuel.
Or if your goal is to go for a softer look where you maintain similar body fat percentages while dropping sizes and you have more time to work with, you will want to focus more on cardio routines and follow a fat burning meal plan that caters to providing fuel for your cardio sessions.
Your overall goal and the types of daily activities you choose to follow in the app will impact how your meal plan is set up. So find a nice quiet spot to sit down and think about your goals and what daily habits you will begin to shift around to reach them.
Tap the Set Good Goals link above to get started.
Fill Out Your Meal Plan Preferences
Once you have an idea of what it takes to reach your goal it's time to create a meal plan that supports that path. Submit the form below so that I can get to work!