Calories Come From Macronutrients
MACROS for short
All the calories in the food we eat are made up of three macronutrients:
*Carbs are further broken down into sugar and fiber, but for now we’ll focus just on the above three
Calories In vs. Calories Out is what determines whether you gain weight or lose weight. The source of those calories however, is what determines whether your weight loss comes from fat or lean body mass, otherwise known as LBM
*LBM is everything other than fat. Think- bone, blood, muscle, skin, hair and nails.
Understanding macronutrients is crucial when it comes to transformation. Knowing what the foods you are eating consists of and WHY you are eating them is paramount.
Sufficient protein intake is necessary to preserve muscle density. This is of special importance because muscle is what burns fat. Sufficient carbohydrate intake is also necessary to provide your muscles and organs with the energy to function and sufficient fat intake is necessary for the production of vital hormones to set the tone for all your bodily processes.
Tracking macros is superior to merely counting calories. This is especially true when your goal is improving body composition. I mean, you can literally reduce your overall calorie intake and lose weight, and still not reduce body fat. Ever heard of the term ‘Skinny Fat’? That possibility could become a reality by simply counting calories alone. Don’t let it happen to you.
So, if fat reduction is your goal, and I am guessing it is, you have to put your macronutrient profile at the forefront of your overall program. This can best be done by tracking your food intake and hitting your macro target ratios every damn day.