
Your Daily To-Do List

  • Self Care: Either, read 10 pages from a personal development/non fiction book or take 10 minutes out of your day to meditate/self reflect. Creating your ideal body comes from putting in the effort, and that effort bleeds over into all aspects of your ‘self’. Permanent physical growth doesn’t come without simultaneously exploring your personal growth.

  • Daily Gratitude and Goal Journaling.

  • 20 minutes MINIMUM of intentional activity (gym workout, Interval Workout or a nice walk). Choose a workout from the program tab or complete your own freestyle workout by selecting exercises from the database.

  • Have a plan for your meals everyday and eat these meals. Whether you follow your your meal plan to the T, or you are just tracking, you should know when you wake up each day EXACTLY what you are going to eat. Bonus Points: Have a plan for when things don’t go as planned and execute. Because it will happen.

  • Drink at least 1 gallon of water per day. When you drink this much, you not only provide your body with it’s basic fluid needs, but you are far less likely to reach for a high calorie beverage, and you’ll probably be less hungry throughout the day since you’ll feel more full, which makes eating in a calorie deficit even easier. Side Note: Start Early in the AM and wind the water down by evening so you’re not visiting the bathroom all night ;)